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Restaurant rotary oven 150

As the name implies, the restaurant rotary oven is for use in restaurants. The small rotary oven with easy use is made in suitable dimensions for small places such as restaurants, grills, fast food, jaggery, and the cooking method of the restaurant rotary oven is rotating.

The restaurant oven can use two types of gas and diesel fuel by changing the burner. If it is diesel fuel, both the upper and lower burners are fanned. .

Sadra Pakht company uses cast iron stones with holes (soft lavash bread), low holes (dry lavash bread), and smooth (tufton) in the manufacture of small rotary oven based on the type of bread baking and customer needs.

The revolving oven of a restaurant prevents the dangers caused by the accumulation of gas in the oven by means of smart burners and prevents the flame from going out and discharges the gases that may accumulate in the oven and if even for any reason the flame If the burner is turned off, the fuel supply to the burner will also be cut off.

150 دستگاه تنور دوار رستورانی

نکات قابل توجه قبل از خرید تنور دوار


Features of restaurant rotary oven

150 دستگاه تنور دوار رستورانی

Technical specifications of Sadra Pakht restaurant rotary oven



560 kg


Electricity required

220 kW single phase


Electric gearbox power

0.75 kW

setting 2

production capacity

300-350 kg every 8 hours


Diameter, height


Video introduction of restaurant rotary oven

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How to install and operate the rotary oven of Sadra Pakht restaurant

The installation and commissioning of the small industrial oven of Sadra Pakht Azerbaijan Company is carried out by the engineers specializing in the production of bread baking machines. The installation is completely free and is the responsibility of Sadra Pukht Azerbaijan company. It should be noted that these engineers also teach dear bakers how to operate the machine correctly.

150 دستگاه تنور دوار رستورانی


Like other Sadra baking machines, the bread baking machine for restaurants has 18 months golden warranty and 10 years after sales service.

The installation and operation of the bakery oven for the restaurant is completely free and is the responsibility of the company. After sending the device purchased by the customer, we will send the company’s expert team to your workplace for installation, and our technical expert will install and set up the device and teach you how to work with the device.

All Sadra Pakht bakery machines can be sent all over the country after production and with the coordination of dear customers. Domestic and international transport companies carry out the work of transferring devices.

The customer is responsible for the transportation cost of the restaurant rotary oven.

How to buy and the price of a restaurant rotary oven

You, dear customers, can contact the numbers listed on the site to find out about the price of the restaurant’s rotary oven and find out about the special conditions for cash and installment sales.

Sadra Pakht products can be sent all over the country and exported to other countries.

In recognition of your trust, dear customers, for every purchase of a bakery machine, you will receive two pairs of work clothes, one tool bag and one baking pillow.

We are successful because your support and trust is our biggest asset.

You can make any criticisms and suggestions through communication channels with us.

150 دستگاه تنور دوار رستورانی

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Miss Asghari

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